Are you prepared for the inevitable? While no one likes to think about death, it’s essential to plan ahead to avoid unexpected estate or inheritance taxes that can create financial burdens for your loved ones. Apart from the federal estate tax, which has a top rate of 40 percent, some states impose additional estate or inheritance taxes. Understanding these taxes is crucial to safeguard your financial future and that of your heirs.

The Importance of Estate and Inheritance Taxes:

Estate and inheritance taxes, often referred to as “death taxes,” are imposed on the transfer of property after death. The federal government levies an estate tax on the deceased’s estate, while inheritance tax is state-based and paid by the inheritors. The tax rate and exemption thresholds vary from state to state, making it all the more essential to comprehend their implications.

States that Levy Estate or Inheritance Taxes:

As of 2021, twelve states and the District of Columbia collect an estate tax, and six states impose an inheritance tax. Maryland is the only state to collect both. It’s crucial to know whether your state is on this list, as it could significantly impact your estate planning.

For instance, if you live in a state like New Jersey, which imposes an inheritance tax, your heirs could end up owing the state money even if your estate isn’t large enough to owe federal estate tax. This is because New Jersey’s inheritance tax applies to estates valued at $500 or less, while the federal estate tax exemption is much higher.

Impact on Individual Taxpayers and Business Owners:

The impact of these taxes extends beyond individual taxpayers to business owners. Small business owners, in particular, should be aware of the potential tax burden their heirs might face. If a significant portion of your estate is tied up in business assets, your heirs might have to liquidate those assets to pay off the estate or inheritance tax.

Tax Relief and the IRS Fresh Start Program:

In response to the financial strain these taxes can pose, the IRS introduced the Fresh Start program. This initiative allows taxpayers to pay off their back taxes in installments, helping them to avoid tax liens that damage credit scores. The extended period to clear debts enables better financial planning, allowing individuals to focus on other important expenditures without fear of immediate reprisal from the IRS.

Utilizing the Fresh Start program or similar state-provided options could be beneficial in managing your tax burdens effectively. If you’re dealing with IRS tax issues, seeking professional assistance can provide the guidance and expertise you need. Click here or call (888) 235-0004 to connect with a tax specialist who can help you navigate your tax concerns.


Understanding estate and inheritance taxes in your state is vital for effective estate planning. Knowledge about these taxes, coupled with programs like the IRS Fresh Start, can help you manage your tax burdens efficiently, safeguarding your financial future and that of your heirs.