For individuals with disabilities, service animals provide essential support that enhances quality of life and independence. These animals are highly trained to perform specific tasks that assist their owners with disabilities, ranging from guiding the visually impaired to assisting those with mobility issues. A service animal not only provides physical and emotional support but also potentially offers tax benefits. This article explores the tax advantages associated with owning a service animal, including what costs can be deducted and how to claim them on your tax return.

Understanding Service Animal Tax Deductions

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) allows individuals with disabilities to deduct certain medical expenses related to the ownership of a service animal. These expenses are considered medical expenses, which means they can potentially be deducted from your taxes if they meet certain criteria.

What Costs Are Deductible?

You can deduct the costs of buying, training, and maintaining a service animal as medical expenses. This includes:

  • The purchase price of the animal
  • Training costs
  • Veterinary care
  • Food and grooming expenses that maintain the service animal’s health and vitality
  • Any other expenses directly related to the animal’s function as a service animal

Who Qualifies for the Deduction?

To qualify for these deductions, the expenses must be primarily used to alleviate or prevent a physical or mental disability or illness. This does not include pets that are used for comfort or emotional support without specific training to alleviate a diagnosed disability or illness. The IRS requires documentation from a healthcare provider to prove that the service animal is necessary for disability-related reasons.

How to Claim Service Animal Expenses on Your Tax Return

Itemizing Deductions

To claim service animal expenses, you must itemize your deductions on IRS Form 1040, Schedule A. Medical expenses can be deducted to the extent that they exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income (AGI). This means that only those expenses above 7.5% of your AGI will be deductible.

Keeping Records

Maintaining accurate records is crucial for claiming deductions on service animal expenses. You should keep detailed records of all expenses, including receipts, bank statements, and documents that detail how the expenditures relate to the service animal’s care and maintenance. Additionally, it’s wise to have a letter from a licensed healthcare provider that describes how the service animal helps with specific tasks related to the disability.

Additional Considerations

State Tax Benefits

Some states offer extra tax benefits for individuals with service animals. Making it essential to consult local tax regulations or a tax professional familiar with state-specific benefits.

Grants and Assistance Programs

Several organizations offer grants and financial assistance for those with service animals. These programs can help offset costs and are worth exploring as an alternative or supplement to tax deductions.

The Importance of Professional Advice

Tax laws are complex and can change frequently. Consulting with a tax professional who understands the specifics of medical and disability-related deductions can provide significant benefits. They can help ensure that you maximize your deductions and comply with all IRS requirements.


By understanding what costs are deductible and how to properly claim them, individuals can take full advantage of the financial relief available to them. As always, keeping thorough records and seeking professional advice are the best strategies to navigate the complexities of tax deductions for service animals.

Need Help With Back Taxes?

Explore how to REDUCE, RESOLVE, or even ELIMINATE your back taxes through the IRS Fresh Start Program.

If you owe back taxes or have IRS issues, click here or call us directly at (877) 542-0412.